04 January 2012

Doa Menghadapi peperiksaan

Pastikan anda mengulangkaji pelajaran anda.
Doa agar dikurniakan kefahaman yang baik dan ingatan yang sempurna sewaktu menelaah matapelajaran:

Allahummar zuqna, Ya Rabbi fahaman nabiyyiin, wa hifzaal mursaliin,
wa 'ilhaamal malaikatiil muqarrabbin, fii 'aafiyaati, ya Arhamar raahimiin
Maksudnya: "Wahai Tuhanku, kurniakanlah kami fahaman nabi-nabi dan hafalan para rasul
serta mendapat ilham dari para malaikat yang hampir denganMu,
juga kurniakanlah kami kesihatan Wahai Tuhan Yang Amat Pengasih"

Doa sebelum masuk kelas/dewan peperiksaan
(Wa hai yi' lanaa min amrinaa rashadaa)
Maksudnya: Ya Allah, persiapkan kami mengenai dengan urusan kami dengan petunjukMu)

Doa sewaktu lupa semasa menjawab soalan

Subhaa na man laa ya naa mu wa laa yas huu
Allahumma zakkirnii maa nasiit
3 kali
Maksudnya: Maha Suci Tuhan yang tidak pernah tidur dan tidak pernah lalai,
Wahai Tuhanku, ingatkanlah aku apa-apa yang aku lupa)

Doa memohon kejayaan cemerlang -
dibaca sebelum tidur setiap hari sehinggalah keputusan peperiksaan diumumkan.
(Allahumma inni as-alukal fauza 'indal qadha
wa manaazilasy syuhada wa 'ai syas su 'a da'
wan nasra alaal a'daa')
Maksudnya: Ya Allah Kami memohon kejayaan dalam setiap ketentuan,  tempat para syuhada'
dan kehidupan orang-orang bahagia serta kemenangan mengatasi musuh
dibawakan kepada anda oleh PERMAI ONLINE

02 January 2012

Solat Hajat for semester 1 Exam 2012

Please note that Bruleeds will be having "Solat Hajat" for Semester 1 exam 2012. The details of the event are as follow:

Date:  Thursday, 5th January 2012
Time:  5.30pm onwards
Place: 5D, Blenheim View,Leeds

Please also note that we're gonna have solat Isya' together  before solat Hajat. Thank you :)

New Year Celebration 2012

New year celebration is the annual event for Bruleeds and this year we were proud to organise the event for all the Bruleeds members and non-members. This year, cooking competition and lucky draw were in the list. The details of the event are as follow:

Date: 31st December 2011
Time: 7.30pm- 12.00am
Place: 5D, Blenheim View, Leeds

Cooking competition

1st place: "Power Rangers" team. Name of the dish: Pandan Chicken

2nd place: "Safwan and The Team". Name of the dish: Chicken soup and Sesame Chicken

3rd Place: "Powerpuff Girl" team. Name of the dish: Ampap Chicken

Bruleeds would like to say congratulation to the winners and the participants. They all did a very good job in preparing their own delicious dish. 

Happy New Year!

May this year is the best year of all..
If you wanna change yourself to be a better person, now is the right time
New resolutions, new aims, new spirit..
ps: Please go to "Gallery" tab for pictures

2019/2020 BruLeeds Committees

Assalamualaikum! Apology for the lack of update, a very long hiatus indeed, here in this blog. However, we do keep our Instagram and Faceb...